
Kawanua New Zealand is a Indonesian community living in New Zealand originated from Minahasa ethnic group from the land of North Sulawesi located in the northern part of central Indonesia. The capital city of North Sulawesi is Manado therefore Kawanua people are also popularly known as Manado people.

Kawanua migrants who are studying, working and living in New Zealand realise the importance of maintaining and nurturing familial nature, mutual respect and mutual understanding with spirit and noble values of ​​"Si Tou Timou Tumou Tou" (one lives to give life to others), "Mapalus" (mutual aid) and "Torsamba" (torang samua basudara - we are all family).

Based on that visions and blessings and the love of God Almighty, we decided to form an incorporated Indonesian society to unite all Kawanua family all over New Zealand with the Statutes and Bylaws that can be seen in:
>>> Anggaran Dasar dan Anggaran Rumah Tangga (original in Indonesian language).
>>> Statutes and Bylaws (translated by Google translator)

The following are the summary of Statutes and Bylaws:
  • Kawanua NZ is the only society for the Indonesian people, who are descended from, or related to, the land of Minahasa, who lives in New Zealand from generation to generation.
  • Kawanua organisation covers the whole territory of New Zealand and based in every major city in New Zealand.
  • Kawanua NZ organisation was founded in Auckland NZ on 1 April 2013 for an indefinite period .
  • Kawanua NZ has social values of ​​"Si Tou Timou Tumou Tou" (one lives to give life to others), "Mapalus" (mutual aid) and "Torsamba" (torang samua basudara - we are all family) in fostering relationships between members.
  • Kawanua NZ maintains social values ​​of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution in fostering relationships with other people of Indonesia and the Indonesian government.
  • Kawanua NZ understands the social values ​​of Western and Maori New Zealand culture in fostering relationships with the local community.
  • Kawanua NZ fosters and upholds the trust, honesty and good ethics.
  • Kawanua NZ is social and familial.
  • Kawanua NZ is a form of community association covering the entire territory of New Zealand and its existence is recognized by the government of origin, the Republic of Indonesia, and the local government, New Zealand.

  • Fostering unity and integrity of its members and foster mutually in a family atmosphere based on the visions contained in the preamble .
  • Active role in human resource development activities of Kawanua NZ people who are critical, creative and responsible .
  • Active role in the promotion activities of Minahasan arts and culture in New Zealand.
  • Fostering close relationships and harmony with the government and local communities and demonstrate an open attitude to understand and assimilate to the local culture and social values.

Kawanua New Zealand Board of Committee 2013 - 2015

Advisory Chair: Ferdinand Pandey and Froly Lelengboto Horn
Chairman: Yance Tumundo
Vice Chairman: Michael Tenglewier
Deputy 1: Ronald Sorongan (Auckland)
Deputy 2: Jeffry Liando (Wellington)
Deputy 3: Susy Sanders (Christchurch)
Secretary 2: Carla Woodman
Secretary 1: Sandra Tuju
Treasurer 1: Yanti Utomo
Treasurer 2: Nelli Sorongan
Event Coordinator: Ine Pingkan Sompie, Adhi Utomo
Catering Coordinator: Christiene Soriton, Cenny Van Der Zwet
Transportation Coordinator: Billy Suot
Documentation Coordinator: Suzanna Jean, Bernard Santia

Kawanua New Zealand Board of Committee  2015 - 2017

Advisory Chair:  Yance Tumundo dan Ronald Sorongan
Chairman: Ine Pingkan Sompie
Deputy 1: Jeffry Liando
Deputy 2: Susy Sanders
Deputy 3: Syully Dobson
Deputy 4: Carla Woodman
Secretary: Dian Budiman
Treasurer: Yanti Utomo
Public Relation: Adhi Utomo

Kawanua New Zealand Board of Committee  2017 - 2019

Penasehat: Yance Tumundo dan Ronald Sorongan
Ketua: Adhianto Utomo
Wakil: Carla Woodman
Sekertaris: Carla Woodman
Bendahara: Sendy Rondonuwu
Koordinator Acara: Ine Pingkan Sompie, Suzanna Jean

Kawanua New Zealand Board of Committee  2019 - 2021

Penasehat: Yance Tumundo dan Ronald Sorongan
Ketua: Della Way
Wakil: Nancy Lumintang
Sekertaris: Suzanna Jean
Bendahara: Sendy Rondonuwu

Kawanua New Zealand Board of Committee  2021 - 2023

Penasehat: Ronald Sorongan dan Grace Prasad
Ketua: Marisa Tombokan
Sekertaris: Sandra Tuju
Bendahara: Selly Manicad